In this episode we’re joined by Special Guest – Shannon Howard – as we dive into the Intellum-sponsored study from Forrester:  “Driving Business Success Through Customer Education”.  This is a refresh of the 2019 report, which is crucial for those in our field to review and absorb. What’s changed? Are there new trends?

Highlights? Here are just a few we cover:

  • Around 86% of respondents said they had a positive ROI from customer education, with another 10% saying they at least broke even. This suggests that 96% are seeing a positive business impact from customer education.
  • Customer education helps drive business outcomes like increased customer retention, spending, and decreased support costs. High success orgs saw a 372% ROI over 3 years, with a 7 month payback period.
  • There has been a shift away from traditional workshops and certifications towards more asynchronous, mobile, and just-in-time learning approaches.
  • Vendors are being used more strategically as partners, especially by high success orgs, to help raise maturity levels.
  • Lack of tools, technical skills, and personnel were cited as top challenges. Budget constraints were also a factor in needing to do more with less resources.
  • AI is being explored more for use cases like accelerating content creation, personalizing learning, data analysis, and assessment creation. But widespread adoption is still on the horizon.
  • Key factors for success included data access, mobile accessibility, vendor partnerships, and having scalable platforms.

Grab your copy of the report and a beverage and listen in to this deep-dive that you won’t want to miss.

Missed the 2019 report? You can find it here, and our coverage in Episode 41!

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